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Start Laser Hair Removal Now and Be Silky Smooth by Summer

Hairy legs can be a nightmare to deal with during the summer. Every time you want to wear shorts, a cute dress, or a bikini, you have to spend precious time shaving or make an appointment with your waxer. Either one of these choices can eat into your day-to-day schedule, and after a week or so, the hair will always come back. Maybe it’s time to think about a long-term solution. 

At Best Impression Med Spa, we offer the most state-of-the-art products and services to help you achieve your body goals. Under the direction of Robert Mirabile, MD and Vivian Hsu, MD, we offer laser hair removal treatments that really work, and if you begin them now, you can achieve your goal of being silky smooth by summer!

Putting unwanted hair in the rearview

You must be tired of dealing with unwanted hair on your legs, underarms, neck, bikini line, and everywhere else, especially when the weather turns warmer. But we’ve got the perfect solution! 

To clear away your unwanted body hair, we turn to the laser system, which delivers pulses of light energy into the pigment in your hair follicles. Your pigment cells, by their very nature, are designed to absorb incoming heat, and when they do, the heat is able to damage them until they can no longer produce any more hair. 

One of the keys to our laser system is that we’re able to precisely control the energy we deliver, which means we can accurately target your hair follicles without damaging the surface of your skin or neighboring tissue underneath. Unlike some other laser hair removal options, we can get rid of hair almost anywhere you want, from larger spots like your legs and back to smaller, more delicate areas like your upper lip.

Start in the winter for smooth, summery skin

The reason we say that you need to start now to have silky smooth skin by summer is that laser hair removal takes a little time in order to completely cover your target areas. After all, hair grows in stages, as you probably already know. It grows, falls out, then grows again. After only one treatment, the hair that was dormant or already falling out might not have been affected and will still grow on the next cycle. 

As such, when we set to work treating an area of your body, we tackle the hair follicles that are readily visible. Afterward, we ask you to wait a few weeks before your next appointment in order to allow time for other hair follicles to complete the cycle. Through the course of several treatments (usually between three and seven total), we ensure that we address all of the follicles in your target area.

It takes two

In order for the results to be exactly what you’re looking for, we ask that you do just a couple of things before we get started on your laser hair removal. First, we ask that you refrain from removing hair by waxing, tweezing, or any other method that involves pulling it out by the root. You can still shave, as this method only breaks the hair off at the shaft. In fact, we encourage it, as it will make heated hair follicles less likely to burn your skin. 

We also ask that you steer clear of tanning. In order for us to be able to treat as much as your unwanted hair as possible, we need to readily identify your hair follicles. It’s much easier to do this when your skin is lighter. That said, we are also well-versed in servicing patients with darker complexions and will take extra time and attention to detail to ensure your treatment is performed effectively and properly.

Want to learn more about laser hair removal? 

If you’d like to get started now, so you can greet summer with smooth, silky skin, please give us a call at our Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, office at 610-272-8821. You can also use the online scheduling tool to set up an appointment at your leisure.

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